Cmon...grow up! No dont..bedtime!!!!

Whats it be an adult?
When do we become one?
Is it accepting more responsibility which means that we are adults? But if you manage to bite off too much to chew, does that mean that you are not an adult?
If you still like watching cartoons, does that make you a kid? If you still like your dosas to be made in a certain shapes like cats or dogs or something like that, does that mean you are a kid?
If you are thinking much about the things that matter like relationships and your future and thus get stressed out, does that mean you are an adult? If you dont handle that stress like a man and are not able to bear pain, does that mean you are a kid?
If you shout at someone when some moments of thought could have avoided that incident mean you are immature? Is maturity something thats associated only with adulthood? Cannot kids be mature too? But then what makes them kids...that they play around with their Xbox´es?? Then when grownups cry at something which gives them pain, does that make them kids??? I dont know...should i be bothered about this at all...i dont know still...
Silent...sacrificing...unattached...internal pain...but external content...caring...but that an adult for you? Is sharing a sign of weakness...of childishness? If so, then i am a child already...look at me...blogging about this... :)
I have not asked so many questions in any article till now...whatever, its a life that we have to live...maybe if we live under the maxim to keep everyone, including yourself, happy (which might require certain sacrifices), things might be cooler eh...i dont know...
I think that thinking is the true sign of an adult...thinking not only about oneself...but about others too...and extending thought into action without which ones adulthood wont manifest
itself. And if you can get good results out of the actions, good for are a smart cookie. Otherwise, better work on that MBA fast!!! I just dug my grave... ;)
Being an adult is not as bad as i thought...but the child in me still takes over...i have to thank the child in me for being where i am...i will have much use for the child in me even when i am an adult i am sure...again, being an adult is not as bad as i thought...
That was a child speaking... :D
When do we become one?
Is it accepting more responsibility which means that we are adults? But if you manage to bite off too much to chew, does that mean that you are not an adult?
If you still like watching cartoons, does that make you a kid? If you still like your dosas to be made in a certain shapes like cats or dogs or something like that, does that mean you are a kid?
If you are thinking much about the things that matter like relationships and your future and thus get stressed out, does that mean you are an adult? If you dont handle that stress like a man and are not able to bear pain, does that mean you are a kid?
If you shout at someone when some moments of thought could have avoided that incident mean you are immature? Is maturity something thats associated only with adulthood? Cannot kids be mature too? But then what makes them kids...that they play around with their Xbox´es?? Then when grownups cry at something which gives them pain, does that make them kids??? I dont know...should i be bothered about this at all...i dont know still...
Silent...sacrificing...unattached...internal pain...but external content...caring...but that an adult for you? Is sharing a sign of weakness...of childishness? If so, then i am a child already...look at me...blogging about this... :)
I have not asked so many questions in any article till now...whatever, its a life that we have to live...maybe if we live under the maxim to keep everyone, including yourself, happy (which might require certain sacrifices), things might be cooler eh...i dont know...
I think that thinking is the true sign of an adult...thinking not only about oneself...but about others too...and extending thought into action without which ones adulthood wont manifest

Being an adult is not as bad as i thought...but the child in me still takes over...i have to thank the child in me for being where i am...i will have much use for the child in me even when i am an adult i am sure...again, being an adult is not as bad as i thought...
That was a child speaking... :D