Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Cmon...grow up! No dont..bedtime!!!!

Whats it like...to be an adult?
When do we become one?

Is it accepting more responsibility which means that we are adults? But if you manage to bite off too much to chew, does that mean that you are not an adult?

If you still like watching cartoons, does that make you a kid? If you still like your dosas to be made in a certain shapes like cats or dogs or something like that, does that mean you are a kid?

If you are thinking much about the things that matter like relationships and your future and thus get stressed out, does that mean you are an adult? If you dont handle that stress like a man and are not able to bear pain, does that mean you are a kid?

If you shout at someone when some moments of thought could have avoided that incident mean you are immature? Is maturity something thats associated only with adulthood? Cannot kids be mature too? But then what makes them kids...that they play around with their Xbox´es?? Then when grownups cry at something which gives them pain, does that make them kids??? I dont know...should i be bothered about this at all...i dont know still...

Silent...sacrificing...unattached...internal pain...but external content...caring...but concerned...is that an adult for you? Is sharing a sign of weakness...of childishness? If so, then i am a child already...look at me...blogging about this... :)

I have not asked so many questions in any article till now...whatever, its a life that we have to live...maybe if we live under the maxim to keep everyone, including yourself, happy (which might require certain sacrifices), things might be cooler eh...i dont know...

I think that thinking is the true sign of an adult...thinking not only about oneself...but about others too...and extending thought into action without which ones adulthood wont manifest itself. And if you can get good results out of the actions, good for you...you are a smart cookie. Otherwise, better work on that MBA fast!!! I just dug my grave... ;)

Being an adult is not as bad as i thought...but the child in me still takes over...i have to thank the child in me for being where i am...i will have much use for the child in me even when i am an adult i am sure...again, being an adult is not as bad as i thought...

That was a child speaking... :D

Monday, August 15, 2005

Its all in the mind...

Or is it?

Well...the human mind...or for that matter, the mind exerts quite a strong influence over our daily and not so daily activities. Its usually tough to notice its influence...but its there...and most of the time, it gets dismissed as a whim or a physical thing...probably influenced by todays many taboos, in place thanks to social pressure and involuntary peer conformance.

One small example...
When i was a kid, i used to hate travelling by car. I never thought about why i hated that...although i am a car crazy maniac otherwise. I love looking and touching and sketching them since i was a kid...but somehow travelling in them gave me the willies...especially my fathers car. I used to get sick...i used to beg for him to let down the windows to let the air in. He used to whine about this...as my hometown is a pretty hot place and the AC was on all the time.
Anyways, its only later that i realised that i used to react to my fathers perfume...the odour was quite unbearable at times...and i used to feel giddy. But i blamed the poor car AC. And so a mental complex developed...all AC cars were a strict no-no although the real culprit was my fathers perfume...
Now, i realised all this when i started driving myself...i noticed that this aversion no more existed when i was driving...why?? Well...i logically concluded that it was within me. I gave almost all my attention to the road...and my mind was not concentrating on the perfume odour (yes, it was still around!!)...and over time, even when i was not driving and was an relatively idle passenger, i was able to ignore the perfume. So, now i am ok with any kind of car with any perfume in it with or without the AC!! :) Infact, am crazy about driving any new car i can get my hands on...

As you can see, with enough training one unconsciously manages to overcome previous taboos...which unfortunately the mind rationalised as something concrete. The minds games are not that tough to overcome...all that it takes is a little thought and application!

One more example...my friend...she gets real dizzy and sick before any kind of car travel or flying...and even during the travel, she is a victim of motion sickness. I was a little shocked at first when i saw her before her flight...she was getting all woozy and dizzy...an otherwise healthy gal suddenly became a little grumbly and sulky...there was still a good 5 hours for the flight and we were at home...but she started reacting...the very thought of the impending flight was enough to put her off. Now, isnt this a clear case of the mind ruling over the body? Well, since my mom was around at that time (she is a doctor), she suggested that it might be a vestibular problem...affecting of balance...and the related nausea...bla bla all medico talk. Well...she knows the body better than me...maybe she is right. Maybe my friend really had a problem...but i find it a little hard to beleive a purely non-neurological/non-psychological reason for this...because the damn flight was a quarter of a day away! Maybe she knew that the physical side of the problem would catch up with her and that kicked the mental aspect before its time...well, it makes things worse.

Anyways, the mind is quite a powerful entity....quite complex conceptually...guess thats why neoroscience is quite in its infancy. It scares an average person just thinking about how thinking works...both consciously and unconsciously!! And we know, us humans...we attack the simplest problem first...conquer it and move on to higher more tougher challenges...thats how the human race was able to progress. Similar to aiming for mars now that the moon is almost our solar backyard! Neuroscience is next...maybe that can explain why the hell its all in the mind...and ease some of us from our destructive imagination.

Sigh...wishful thinking you think...i suggest you free your mind. The mind can free itself.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Definitely lame...errr....male!

Hey...that barbie on TV was cute! Where did you get your nails done? Nice shoes...you gotta give me the number of your tailor!!! errr...ok...before the guys out there kill me with their GI Joe guns, lemme spill the beans...

I...a guy...went to a beauty parlour! Ha! There...i said it. Its not as bad as i thought actually...

My original intention was to make an attempt at saving my mane from withering away...did get some treatment done for that! But slightly, the guy there and my mom tempted me to save my skin as well...maybe i should have ran away as fast as i could from the place to do exactly that!! :) But what the hell, am a stickler for experimentation...even if its on myself!! so, thought why the hell not?? Sure, gimme all you got mister!

So, got a damn facial done...damn damn facial...you know, the one where clueless faceless people sit around doing nothing with cucumbers over their eyes...is that there in all facials?? Whatever...thats the one...along with an arsenal of other slimy sticky stuff spattered all over the place and on my face which quite frankly has not resulted in any visual change whatsoever. My face did appear momentarily brighter though...i suspect the soap.

Since thats a lot of money down the drain, maybe the research should be oriented towards a cream which when applied would change the internal retinal composition of the people around so that you appear better looking...ha! Minority report that will be... ;)

Anyways, it felt nice during the facial...cos you are pampered like hell...someone is right there giving you their full attention and focus...that has not happened to me since i was caught looking at someones economics test paper in 8th grade!! What made the experience worth it was this entire bunch of crummy film magazines all over the place...Did you know what Shah Rukh Khan's hair dresser is off on maternity leave? So, dont be surprised if you catch him with a ponytail...cos he refuses to let anyone else cut his hair! Man, what an amazingly useful piece of info which i could, given the right conditions, use to change my life for the better thus ensuring the continued peace and prosperity of all the nations in the world as i might just be the next big thing after Kofi Annan! Sheesh....

But the facial was nice...
Oh my god!! Am i turning into a girllll....mummyyyyyy!!!!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lucky Draw...Win BIG prizes...!!

Have you ever felt this after you meet some really long lost friend after a really long time..."How he has changed so much...like a totally new person!"

Well...some people consider that to be bad...for instance, when someone returns from the US after a stint of say 2-3 years, he/she is bound to have caught on a little bit of that american accent in their speech...its ok...it should not let one judge that person with false impressions. I have seen many people flaying their mates who are back home because of their accent..."peter english" they say...grow up guys. And even the people who are coming back...they are conscious of their actions...the words they speak...they are afraid of how society will respect their change and hence they put themselves through much trouble to get back their old self. Cmon...dont put yourselves through so much trouble. There is much more to a person than the exterior which your senses can directly detect...so, get their and your mind into the act...and marvel...!!

In my opinion, people dont change completely. They dont lose any of their qualities...to be replaced by other ones. The old qualities and feelings are still there...amidst newer qualities.
Adding many new factes over the old ones...old ones never disappear...refined they are if you will...

Common sense says you cant express two emotions at a time...2 facets at a time...so, the frequency of your old self coming out is lesser...that doesnt mean that the person has totally changed at that sample time...just that the new person has more to display...more to express... not possible to express all (including what you knew of the person) at the same time.

Therfore, lemme draw a crude analogy to make things more clear. I think a persons personality is like a box full of raffle tickets...

You enter the fair, go staraight to the raffle stall, get your own ticket and throw it in along with the rest. Initially there are very few tickets inside. Then as time goes on, more tickets are placed inside for the draw. Meanwhile, you are going on with your life...you enjoy the roller coaster ride...you let your kids ride the ferris wheel...you pose with the rubber clown at the gate because his nose was big, round and red...the kids loved it!! The day draws to a close. Time for the raffle...and no surprises that your ticket is not among the winning numbers.
Similarly, you know the person when you are buying the raffle tickets and adding them into the box. You might buy a thousand tickets...but with a sufficient period of time between two meetings, much could have happened to change that persons personality. So, you are all expectant to win the raffle...you are crossing your fingers...jumping with excitement making sounds like "ooo...ooo..ooo..yyyeeee...ooo". Chances are that you will go home disappointed. But not to worry, your tickets are still in the box. They were not lost...they are still there.

Therefore, what i have learnt is...to never expect people not to change. And those who have changed, they usually almost always retain a little bit of their past...which is what brought you guys togethers in the first place. So, cherish it and let life go on! :)

Monday, August 08, 2005

Nice guys...

I am a nice guy...

errr...ok...so, who are you again? A nice guy...WHAT!
In the english language, the adjective nice is something which i have learnt to unassociate with...its abstract...based on prejudices...depends on personal opinion...and most importantly, overused in all seasons.

Har har...a rather pessimistic view i can see...well, as a certified and bonafide "nice guy" i can tell you...its no big deal being nice. I can find a synonym for nice...common sense! Really...if someone is nice, he/she is being courteous and prim and proper with someone else which is common sense for approaching anyone with a neutral point of view...or the nonsense explanation is that the extra nice person is in love and is too conscious about putting a wrong foot forward...which only jeopardises ones chances at love because one doesnt expose ones true self until its too late. So, is there any point of continuing being nice with friends who you hold close to your heart?

If being nice is being yourself, i am not saying you should not be nice. But getting too nice...or not being nice anymore...with a stranger or anyone else...ah...something must be wrong then! Its upto ones own interpretations on what that means. What i am saying is this...one should be able to do and talk stuff without thinking much with ones friends...and one should have a good time even if its a heated arguement!! That sorta reminds me that, people who are excessively nice think a lot...they really do...to avoid any potholes and bumps along the road...and that sorta stresses them out most of the time. One more thing to add in the cons of being nice...

Some wise guy said "Nice guys finish last!" ... And the evidence is all around you. Just look around...and you will see. Being nice is not so appealing anymore. In my opinion, being honest, which i beleive is almost a superset of nice is a better option.