Monday, August 08, 2005

Nice guys...

I am a nice guy..., who are you again? A nice guy...WHAT!
In the english language, the adjective nice is something which i have learnt to unassociate with...its abstract...based on prejudices...depends on personal opinion...and most importantly, overused in all seasons.

Har har...a rather pessimistic view i can see...well, as a certified and bonafide "nice guy" i can tell you...its no big deal being nice. I can find a synonym for nice...common sense! Really...if someone is nice, he/she is being courteous and prim and proper with someone else which is common sense for approaching anyone with a neutral point of view...or the nonsense explanation is that the extra nice person is in love and is too conscious about putting a wrong foot forward...which only jeopardises ones chances at love because one doesnt expose ones true self until its too late. So, is there any point of continuing being nice with friends who you hold close to your heart?

If being nice is being yourself, i am not saying you should not be nice. But getting too nice...or not being nice anymore...with a stranger or anyone else...ah...something must be wrong then! Its upto ones own interpretations on what that means. What i am saying is should be able to do and talk stuff without thinking much with ones friends...and one should have a good time even if its a heated arguement!! That sorta reminds me that, people who are excessively nice think a lot...they really avoid any potholes and bumps along the road...and that sorta stresses them out most of the time. One more thing to add in the cons of being nice...

Some wise guy said "Nice guys finish last!" ... And the evidence is all around you. Just look around...and you will see. Being nice is not so appealing anymore. In my opinion, being honest, which i beleive is almost a superset of nice is a better option.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

affirmative! add to that nice guys who lack opinion. or nice guys who are subconscious hypocrites! easy to appreciate the nice guy's friendship and understanding, but a not so nice gal feels no attraction toward him because his insecurities remind her of why she hates herself. she knows he deserves a good girlfriend, except that she knows it can never be her!

Monday, August 15, 2005 2:49:00 AM  

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