Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Following your dream...

Not as tough a thing to do as you might imagine...

Would you rather live a life of regrets not knowing whether you could have achieved what your dream is...Would you rather settle down at the bottom of the well in resignation when you can climb out into the light...Would you rather "play safe" than "play smart"...Would you rather prefer hope than eternal remorse?

I sound convincing don't I? Well...I was faced with these questions myself on quite a couple of occasions this year...I did some thinking on my own...did manage to think quite logically too...let me explain.

In the current world situation, the way the economy and all that is going, one can really eke out a comfortable living by merely doing what one wishes...if its a profession, cool...if its something like social service and charity, so be with respect to material gain will be a little tougher then, but your satisfaction levels should theoretically be higher. Whatever it is, you can achieve what you want to...if you got the guts...if you are willing to think it through. The current economic conditons of the world supports you...

I am currently in such a crossroads of my life that I cant count the number of roads leading many of them...I am in the middle of a BIG change...and yet, look at me...blogging away these personal things as if its nothing major. Actually, guess what....Its nothing major. Its merely should be too...

A certain Mr.Paulo Coelho made a quote that goes something like this
"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true"
Ah well, if you were thinking I am going to support it with all my heart, wrong.

I think that quote is bullshit. Its only upto you my do what you want to do...forget about the universe. Its easy to attribute your failure to the universe... but have you ever attributed your successes to the universe? to destiny?? Most of us are selfish...we like to brag and blow our trumpet about our know what, exactly. You have the right to do that because the achievements are yours. God and the universe did not help you...beleive me. But what you have to realise is...when you fail...yes, you will sometimes...Its again you. Grow up to accept that. Don't be afraid to accept that.

If you have, you are quite a remarkable person...not many do that. How many times have you prayed to god just before the exam to pass you through the test...and when you do, have you had the courtesy to thank god immediately. my guess is, many dont unless reminded by others...your parents maybe...

Anyways, I am thankful to my parents and my friends for being who I am and what I am. Not god...not the uiverse.

I sorta deviated from the thought that started this train of subsequent thoughts...
I guess by now, you must have realised what I am saying here..Its you who writes your own destiny. So, do it my friend and follow your dream. Let nothing stop you...most of all silly quotes by bald men, god and the universe.

Oh and by the way, i still have not read any of Ayn Rand.


Blogger Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

I guess this is a point where I happen to disagree with you. If you remember right, the very same bald person Mr. Paulo Coelho talks of situations that happen which might then seem unfathomable.. the undeniable.. that embraces each and every living person on this earth.

I do not want to make this a debate on the existence of God and the universe. But, if you begin to think, just imagine how many people have come into your lives, some at the most unexpected moments, some totally unknown.. who just come at the right moment and lead you on. that is the universe at work.

simple things in life are forgotten in our daily lives. for e.g look at the moving cloud.. it moves with gay abandon.. free to roam where it wants to.. and provides rain when asked for (when there is an obstruction).. consider the moving meandering river.. the list is practically endless.. the more and more u look out to the mother nature, the more and more u realise as to how wonderful things can be

braggin about achievements is a folly.. forgive people for that.. wht ppl fail to realise that the deeper one goes into anything.. be it academic or spiritual or anything for that matter.. the more and more he/she begins to realise that he/she is closer to that wonderful rounded number - zero.

well, is being a zero bad? guess, it is impossible to know everything in this world. braggin about being a one (oops.. i do hate digital :) ) when he is a zero is one of the saddest ironies of life..

well, ur parents and the friends that u look upto are also a part of something.. lets say divine.. lets not give any religious connotation... lets not predict anything.. say some mysterious force that is beyond our control.

okie.. let me not get into args here..

lastly, by following ur dream, u do gain invaluable lessons that more than make up for the outcome of the "following" : be it even a failure.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:17:00 PM  
Blogger Maharaj said...

hmmm...maybe...your opinion.
what i hate is people letting go of responsibility...

Thursday, July 28, 2005 12:03:00 PM  

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