Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Does your mind go blank?

For instance, when you are travelling in a bus...window seat...when you are looking out of the window...what do you see? do you see specific things? like...the pizza delivery guy driving his bajaj scooter like hell has been set loose, do you see the slum dwelling kid having a whale of a time playing with a piece of the newspaper...? well...of course, we see things...but do you all the time?

Have there ever been a time when you would just see colors...shades...streaks of light...shadows...?? and when that happens, does your mind stay awake to notice what colour is it which you saw? when you close your eyes, does your mind signal to you the word "black"? does it?

Somehow for me, the mind takes a back seat most of the time when i am by myself...solitude brings about this surreal peace about me. i need my solitude to get along in life...i need my own space and time. to let the mind rest...to let the soul feel peace...to awaken from the ashes of daily routine. but you might ask, if your mind is totally at rest, how come you realised that very phenomenon? well...i lose track of time when this happens. many people have asked me how i tend to be calmer than most...well, i do have my moments of crazy psychomania....but then, more often than not, i will be the person not trying to jump the queue at the ticket counters...i will patiently wait in the car while the old lady in the TVS 50 stutters past...i prefer listening rather than talking...

In tamil, my mother tongue, there is a concept called "aanmeekam". i dont know how that translates in English. Its a state where a person is at peace with himself and has attained nirvana so to speak...purity in its purest form...its the ultimate aim for which ancient yogis used to endure pain and suffering in penance for many long years...now am i getting somewhere with all this..?? i was told that such a state where the mind detaches itself from the body is the first step in the path of aanmeekam. eerie...

Do you dream when you sleep? I have reason to beleive that i dont...atleast i dont remember any of them except this one dream...a nightmare really...of falling from a great height...i am digressing...anyways, my point is, my mind goes blank too often...infact so often that i am blogging about it now...is this good? i dont know...One more thing which comes to mind is...i am agnostic. so, where does all this figure in the topic under discussion? is it required to beleive in god and have faith in religion to attain aanmeekam? i hope not...and i dont think it should be.

My advise to you is...next time you are alone and have nothing particularly important to do, try thinking about nothing...no thats not right...try not to think about anything... :) ...but when you actually "try" it, its impossible not to avoind thinking about not thinking. sigh...hope you understood my emotion here...

Oh and for the record, the title of this blog entry is left blank...


Blogger adarsh said...

i thought of leaving a comment on this.. but by the time i started to write.. i forgot everything.... my mind went blank. :-p

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:14:00 AM  

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