Saturday, November 26, 2005

God is too big to fit into one religion...

What do you think of that folks? Well...i saw that on a T-Shirt during one of my various escapes in Bangalore...couldnt resist buying that T-Shirt!! I sport it now and then...but in Germany where i am right now, it got a couple of odd reactions from people.

First, my graduate program manager...she took one look at that and she went "Jesus saves all" followed by some very high pitched preaching...or rather praising the lord. I was like..."Hmm...oooook.....if you say so".

Then more recently...a professor of mine...he looked at the T and asked me about it...i told him that i liked the underlying message of religious equality that this implied and not exactly the thing about how great god is...and he was quite interested in this view...he started talking too...and we spoke for a long time after that...he told me of various incidents that occured all over the world with many people...all about jesus...god...the holy spirit...heaven and hell. Very interesting for me...very...

But finally, i think he too was trying to make an attempt at propounding his own religious beleifs. He is not a religious person people...he is not a follower...but just a beleiver. Now what makes me wonder this coutry which is the seat of the religion in many ways than one...did i do the right thing by wearing such a T shirt? I todays world of tolerance and secularity and respect...does it really matter? I am amazed how people cling to their beleifs...if someone is agnostic or an atheist to start with and then realised certain truths or felt the invisible vibes which exist all over the universe and then started beleiving in what we call as "god", he or she is a true beleiver.

Others...well...maybe they are true...maybe. But i have my doubts whether half the people around you know what the hell is going on in their religion...oh sure...they know whats it about, they know how it works, they know all the rules...yes, the rules. But...does any one of them know why they do what they do? Do they know how other religions work? Do any of them know how another person is brought about beleiving certain things that consumes his or her entire being to the extent of whitewashing their mind...?? Or...are they aware of how certain people can be without any beleifs whatsoever and be free of any burden...but yet...lonely...longing...hmmm.

What i am saying is should be given the option of choosing ones own religious beleifs. One should be able to check out what its about...what one can associate with...what suits one beleifs. If nothing is available, customise it i say. Take the first two paragraphs from the Kuran and merge it with the gospel of john or something...i mean, whatever...finally, if one can find that one formula that one can depend upon blindly with the reassurance of it never letting him or her down during times of need or otherwise...thats what true beleif is about.

Where does god play a part in all this? Poor dude has been ignored all this while...we humans are a pretty self important lot...we emphasise on our own brilliance...we revel in our own magnificence...our crowning achievements...ha! God...hmmm...the concept. A lovely concept...evolution maybe...or the brainchild of some desperate person...or maybe the other way around. Dont know...maybe...maybe not! You know what the problem is...the word "god"...or its equivalent in other languages...they all evoke the same feeling in people, the same inner meaning...but damn, so many forms and shapes and colours and flavours. Discord among the same final thought...its only a thought and a feeling damn it!! Thought...which saves mankind from the dangers of everyday life...i have a feeling thats the reason why we have many of the stupid ugly problems of yesterday still around today.

Each day...each minute...a fresh conflict happens...2 sides form...and in time, a third side evolves...neutral...totally unconcerned. Is this the way evolutions seperates the next generation from the older defunct generation...but then, a fresh conflict happens...and again, someone neutral and so on and on...forvever and ever. But the older generations never disappear eh... it? I think so...
Am still searching...until then, god is too big to fit into one religion...

Friday, November 11, 2005

The alternate stairway...

When people got the guts to do something different, is the rewards greater because they actually are...or do the rewards seem greater because of the barriers that one had to cross? i talking about Entrapreneurship? Well...not can be anything different...but with an aim to improve...maybe with am aim to entertain...maybe with an aim to prove something for oneself...maybe just a wild streak of inspiration...essentially, going down a path never before trodden...

The need to be different...sometimes it can be an obsession which drives someone to insanity. But when one does different things just to satisfy the ego...or maybe to satisfy the self...and it just happens to be something unique...creative...never done before...hmmmm...chances are that it will make loads of sense...even to those who do not benefit from it.

When people be different by chance, they normally do not expect anything in return...when a certain idea turns out to be creative and innovative by chance, they might not even be aware of it...but then, the moment when someone respects the idea or the deed and acknowledges it for what it!! Its a wonderful feeling...

Praise...something which mankind can never expect or get enough of...and when it comes unexpected, its a feeling of being somewhere higher...above the clouds...among the gods...above the gods...with the the universe!! Happiness...unadulterated...its a fantastic feeling. Maybe...maybe it can be compared to the happiness of a mother when her child is born...maybe...i would not know...

The unexpected always magnifies the absolute feeling that one might experience otherwise...instead of feeling good one might feel elated...instead of feeling bad one might feel devastated...the mystery behind happenings...without it, life becomes colourless!

One step at a time though...