Friday, November 11, 2005

The alternate stairway...

When people got the guts to do something different, is the rewards greater because they actually are...or do the rewards seem greater because of the barriers that one had to cross? i talking about Entrapreneurship? Well...not can be anything different...but with an aim to improve...maybe with am aim to entertain...maybe with an aim to prove something for oneself...maybe just a wild streak of inspiration...essentially, going down a path never before trodden...

The need to be different...sometimes it can be an obsession which drives someone to insanity. But when one does different things just to satisfy the ego...or maybe to satisfy the self...and it just happens to be something unique...creative...never done before...hmmmm...chances are that it will make loads of sense...even to those who do not benefit from it.

When people be different by chance, they normally do not expect anything in return...when a certain idea turns out to be creative and innovative by chance, they might not even be aware of it...but then, the moment when someone respects the idea or the deed and acknowledges it for what it!! Its a wonderful feeling...

Praise...something which mankind can never expect or get enough of...and when it comes unexpected, its a feeling of being somewhere higher...above the clouds...among the gods...above the gods...with the the universe!! Happiness...unadulterated...its a fantastic feeling. Maybe...maybe it can be compared to the happiness of a mother when her child is born...maybe...i would not know...

The unexpected always magnifies the absolute feeling that one might experience otherwise...instead of feeling good one might feel elated...instead of feeling bad one might feel devastated...the mystery behind happenings...without it, life becomes colourless!

One step at a time though...


Blogger PaintItRed said...

Machchilu, ghoting ur blog after ages... fundoo stuff da... didn't know u were so such in short story and stuff... amazing!! btw, i am struggling to think of topics for blogging... any idea?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:12:00 PM  

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