Friday, July 29, 2005

Inter religion marriages...

As global citizens, should one still be concerned with things like nationality, caste, creed and religion for uniting two people for the love that they hold for eachother? i think not...

Apart from setting an example for the rest of the world, they can be role models...other educated people can learn from these rare but priceless couples. The very fact that they can remain together and be happy with just each others company is a sign of true love. I have seen quite a coupla couples like that...and i couldnt help admiring them. Their courage...their feeling...their love.

As international boundaries become nothing but lines on a map, why should love be held within such boundaries? Of course, a little consideration can be given to the usual set of conditions to parents, society bla bla...but only just. I might sound very prejudiced here...but no, after much pondering and thought and consulting, its quite obvious that good parents will be happy when their kids are truly happy. Think about this...

Some, who teeter at the brink of following that path back off at the last moment...why? They usually get afraid...of the apparent difficulties. What few realise is that when the rewards are great, the risk involved is greater...the hard work that one puts in will be rewarded appropriately. Our school exams for example... What i am trying to say is this...people need to be bold to do this...and its a reflection of someones character when he/she takes that step. So, its vital that someone takes that step...that someone is a very rare person indeed...and he/she deserves an equally rare person. Its all about sacrifices in such a relationship...and one doesnt require to reflect upon religion and nationality to understand that...just love.

Of course, if one fails at the attempt, my guess is...the fall will be harder than normal. But one can take to heart that one was brave enough...that only few people ever dream and have the guts of doing such a makes the mind wonder at the, what the hell...take that chance. You have gained already.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Before the big bang...???

Maybe the question should read...Was there a big bang?

Since thats currently the most crazy theory, we shall assume that did happen. So what before that? God was just lazing about watching TV? there was nothing? oh no...there must have been something for all this to happen...but was there?

A question that leaves me pondering my very existence...wonderful to think about. If i start guessing, i wont stop...let me try to think and hypothesise on the spot...hmmm...

Entropy...the eternally accumilating chaos...maybe that was attempted to be contained by some natural way...but somehow the pressure of containing if became too much and thus started the universe with the big bang. From then on, whatever happened...the formation of galaxies, stars, planets, life, evolution, thought, blogging...its all leading towards further chaos i think...

Thats probably why i dont beleive the universe would just fade away...if it does, who will cause the chaos? So, what if it all starts reversing...because there cant be any bigger chaos than life eh? So, why not start it all over again? So, if that happens, will i be untyping this blog and unthinking my thoughts? And will you be unreading this blog and be, ungaining your knowledge?

Makes sense does it? If it does, machan, super da!!! I shall unsee you in another 100 billion years...till then, tschuss! ;)

Following your dream...

Not as tough a thing to do as you might imagine...

Would you rather live a life of regrets not knowing whether you could have achieved what your dream is...Would you rather settle down at the bottom of the well in resignation when you can climb out into the light...Would you rather "play safe" than "play smart"...Would you rather prefer hope than eternal remorse?

I sound convincing don't I? Well...I was faced with these questions myself on quite a couple of occasions this year...I did some thinking on my own...did manage to think quite logically too...let me explain.

In the current world situation, the way the economy and all that is going, one can really eke out a comfortable living by merely doing what one wishes...if its a profession, cool...if its something like social service and charity, so be with respect to material gain will be a little tougher then, but your satisfaction levels should theoretically be higher. Whatever it is, you can achieve what you want to...if you got the guts...if you are willing to think it through. The current economic conditons of the world supports you...

I am currently in such a crossroads of my life that I cant count the number of roads leading many of them...I am in the middle of a BIG change...and yet, look at me...blogging away these personal things as if its nothing major. Actually, guess what....Its nothing major. Its merely should be too...

A certain Mr.Paulo Coelho made a quote that goes something like this
"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true"
Ah well, if you were thinking I am going to support it with all my heart, wrong.

I think that quote is bullshit. Its only upto you my do what you want to do...forget about the universe. Its easy to attribute your failure to the universe... but have you ever attributed your successes to the universe? to destiny?? Most of us are selfish...we like to brag and blow our trumpet about our know what, exactly. You have the right to do that because the achievements are yours. God and the universe did not help you...beleive me. But what you have to realise is...when you fail...yes, you will sometimes...Its again you. Grow up to accept that. Don't be afraid to accept that.

If you have, you are quite a remarkable person...not many do that. How many times have you prayed to god just before the exam to pass you through the test...and when you do, have you had the courtesy to thank god immediately. my guess is, many dont unless reminded by others...your parents maybe...

Anyways, I am thankful to my parents and my friends for being who I am and what I am. Not god...not the uiverse.

I sorta deviated from the thought that started this train of subsequent thoughts...
I guess by now, you must have realised what I am saying here..Its you who writes your own destiny. So, do it my friend and follow your dream. Let nothing stop you...most of all silly quotes by bald men, god and the universe.

Oh and by the way, i still have not read any of Ayn Rand.


Precisely my state of being and thought for most of my thinking life...and almost always precisely my reaction as well... :)

Indian culture intoxicated...for teetotallers.

What??? you boozed...!!!??!! Go brush your teeth...where the hell are the chewing gum? wash your face you dumbo...someone might see it instead of smelling it...go go go...on the double! hup two three MARCH!

Thats some of the typical reactions one gets after a booze episode in India. Why is it so? Of course, orgies are different altogether...but a simple and dignified drink followed by a deep discussion with friends could also evoke similar responses even from the lesser of the initiated...hehe, look at me...talking as if i am an expert... :) hope you got my point.

Please dont get me wrong here...i am not for crazy limitless merry making under the influence of alcohol. I am merely a supporter of the effects alcohol can have when taken in limited quantities and with the people who matter. Anyways, why is drinking such a taboo here? Smoking i can understand should lead to concern because one manages to spoil ones own health as well as the other innocent non-smokers around. Drinking alcohol is more humane...and in limited quantities, it can be quite cool.

Upon some analysis, some things came to light...if you are aware of the fact that drinking alcohol leads of quick dehydration, it makes sense for people in hot climates not to drink. Thats why historically, people in the Arab states did not drink...i dont think they even had any local liquor/toddi/arrack or anything...if they did, it was very limited in availability and popularity. Guess one can apply similar logic and arrive at a scientific conclusion why thats the case in India which i suppose is predominantly a hot country for most of the year.
But no, i think the major reason that some people drink might have been the intermixing of cultures...
If you look at present day USA, can anyone attribute an unique culture to it? tough job for sure...well, India was the most popular country at the start of the previous millenium...and it did manage to attract its share of greedy pigs who wanted to loot the country out of its natural wealth...of course, i am not indirectly referring this happening to USA now...thats an entirely different i was saying, people from all over kept coming in and spreading their influence...India was a major sea trade country...part of major terrestrial trade, what we now term as "Indian Culture" is really not the quintessential indian culture...maybe the southern states were less affected than others...but you see what i am getting at here...what used to be the culture of India got mixed and cleaved with other kept happening constantly for some time.

Ok, enough diversion from the i was saying, boozing is taboo in many places.
Some points to ponder with the current background that we have...

Indians are an educated lot now...the importance people give to education is paramount. So, how tough is it for the educated mind to understand that boozing is really not such a bad thing afterall? Amazingly, its the educated lot of yesteryear (the so called brahmins) who brought forward some of the current taboos...eating animals, boozing, sex...abacharam abacharam!!!!
India produced the kamasutra...such an advanced and divine work for its, what the hell was the problem with boozing??? if sex was ok, then boozing also should have been...the orgasm might have been higher and deeper when a little intoxicated. I have not read the kamasutra myself...but if there is no mention of boozing before sex or something similar there, then it probably got censored on its way through the ages...
Currently India is growing like i dont know what...people are getting educated quicker than the govt can keep up...people are aksing questions...cities are growing faster than the infrastructure...damn...i dont know where all this is going...but, i am sure there will be a phase...maybe we are there already...where one generation will be totally hippy and outgoing while their parents will be dawdling with religious conventions and silly superstitions. Are we there yet?

Anyways, i just have one piece of advise...when you decide to socially drink (yes you will...eventually), please do it with "Comfortably Numb" of Pink Floyd running in the background...

Friday, July 01, 2005


Democracy...the most socially friendly system of governance, the most people friendly, the one that makes most sense for everyone, the most fair, where one is rewarded for his/her the people, for the people.

There is one small thing that the propagators of this system forgot to include in their calculations...My guess is most of them are similar to me, they must have been Idealists...Dreamers...I thank them for such a cool contribution to society...if i am here blogging away my thoughts without fear of censorship or being burned at the stake or the guillotine hanging over my head, its thanks to them and the history behind them.

But as i way saying...there is one small thing that they forgot to consider...that other people are not like them. Only when someone is socially responsible and has the guts to change him/herself and are content with their own lack of corruption and guile will the system of democracy work. For this, the seeds should have been sown at the very early stage...58 years of independence in India...and it seems to me and to lot like me that the seeds were washed away in a flood of greed and angst. Social pressure they say...i say bull shit! Start thinking man...

Please do read my previous post called "Viagra for the country" for some related thoughts...

Sigh...optimism takes over eventually in the hopeful...and i guess its only a matter of time until education and the lessons learnt from the generations before will lead to a truly good life for everyone human. By good, i mean not everyone having a house and a car and a lawn to mow with a contented smile each sunday with the dog frolicking am talking about the purity of the soul and the inherent shunning of the negative elements defined by Webster. We sould save so much space and memory and paper and trees cut down for it when those words are erased from Websters... :)

But until then...democrazy.